
National Day of Prayer 8

Mason just left to play at his friend's house.  His friend's dad is away on naval duty.

Jesus - Prince of Peace,
I pray for peace.  I admit that I do not understand peace in our time.  Lord, all I see is the confusion of our fallenness and the sinful ambition of many who are in powerful positions in the world.  I see hatred running rampant and pride unabated.  Yet, to You I come asking for peace.

Bring an end to the reign of tyrants in the nations of our world.  Squash the strongholds of  hatred in the powerhouses of our world's governments.  End war.  Bring our soldiers home safely.

Thank you for those Americans who have given their lives to the service of peace as soldiers.  And I hate the idea that preserving peace comes at the hands of soldiers, but I know that the absolute irony of that reality is born in the sin of humans.  So God please protect our soldiers and accomplish peace without their death. 

I pray that humans worldwide would find eternal peace with you so that earthly peace may be realized.  I know that you will allow a leader promising false peace to come, but Lord delay his coming so that we servants of the gospel may have more effect on the souls of this Earth.

Keep our nation free from the terror of attack on our soil.  Keep soldiers of terror at bay as you did in New York this very week.  Thank you for your protection.

Give our leaders supernatural wisdom to avoid war for any cause and wisdom to win any unavoidable war quickly and without loss of human life.  Lord, if any life must be lost in war, let it be one who is redeemed by you and will certainly enter into your glory.  And surely save those who are spared so that their earthly life may have eternal purpose and expand your kingdom.

Make your people in America and around the world, ambassadors of your peace.  True peace.  Peace with God so that your rule and reign on this planet is accomplished through us.

I love you Papa God.  Thank you for your eternal peace in my life.



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