
National Day of Prayer 9

Finished dinner and getting ready for Hanford Youth Baseball.  (It's Cal Ripkin not Little League.)


The Lord is my CEO.  And I'm well compensated: beyond my need.

He has given me a better than average American tract home in which to rest comfortably; and He keeps Wal Mart fully stocked with groceries when I am hungry.

Whenever I am losing heart, He overcomes me with refreshment through His encouraging Spirit and the fellowship of my Christian friends.  And when I am tempted, His Spirit guides to to the nearest escape.

When my circumstance is so bad that I cannot see a way through, or when things are so bad that I wish I were dead, I can find comfort and resilience when I recognize Him guiding and correcting me... even disciplining me to keep me safe.  I am comforted by these things.  Sometimes, surprisingly so!

When I think my enemies are winning, He is so sure of our victory that He is already preparing a banquet for my in Heaven.  When I choose prayer and worship in the midst of attack, it's like I'm already at that banquet, enjoying the sweet presence of the victorious Lamb of God.

I am convinced that my whole life will be filled with His goodness and mercy raining down on me.  And He will be my constant companion through the indwelling of His Spirit, since I am His temple.



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