
National Day of Prayer 2

My prayer as I made breakfast for my children this morning.

Papa God, be seen as holy and awesome through my life.

Thank you for this food that I have to give my children.  Please protect hungry children around our globe today.  Protect them from death and disease.  Heal those who are already suffering disease.  Confront and  defeat governments that abuse and ignore the hungry in their countries for some kind of illegitimate gain.  And when you do so replace them with godly governments that want to honor you and do your will.

Bring more of your followers together for the cause of feeding the world you love.  Help us to take our loaves and fishes to you so that as we give to those in need, you will expand our provisions to care for our children as well.

Thank you for bringing Jhon, Abin, and Nasuuana to our family to care for through monthly support.  Bless them today as they are fed by your provision through us.  Help us to see where we cane meet more needs.  Give us eyes to see.  Lift our heads to the fields of harvest so that we may love them with your love. There are hungry people in our town Lord.  Thank you for the success of the "fill the pantry" event in Hanford this week.  Thank you for the supply that regularly goes into the soup kitchen here in town.  God bless those who are involved in those ministries and raise up others to minister even more to those in need here.  Give us creativity to see how we can meet more needs here.

Teach us to love You by loving the lowly and needy in our lives.



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