
Season of Prayer and Meditation Entry 3

A Prayer for today.

Lord, I have gathered all of my failures before me, asking you to bring to mind the failures that have hurt and offended you and those you love. And I confess that many of these are failures to see beyond myself. They are the result of selfishness and of pride: my ego overrun. God I recognize and apologize for the fact that I have seen myself as the star of my own show and I have believed that your audience was my own. I have been greedy with more than money and my failures are my sin.

Now God I give them all to you. I give you the failures that occurred because I was doing the best I could for you and fell short. I give them to you as the worship they were intended to be and I trust you to see my heart and receive the gift as I intended it. AND, I give you my failures that were a result of my pride. I give them to you as a gift of repentance, releasing them from my grip into your grace as a gift of worship, entrusting them to you to make new as I face the coming year with the intent to serve you as the only star of the universe. I am sorry for what is my fault. And I regret what was not. But in every case I let go to let You renew and restore me.

Lord, this year I will bring you fresh gifts of worship in my personal life (privately and publicly). I will bring you fresh gifts of worship in the acts of service I devote to you. I will bring them to you as gifts for your glory and not my own. Lord make me strong in Your Spirit and weak in myself and committed to the goal of making you more and me less. And should I fail, God may I fail only for trying too hard to make you known.



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