
I'm Back

Welcome back to me. I've been away from my blog for some time now. Since finishing my season of prayer and reflection it seems that life has become increasingly hectic. Family, home, epic, sickness, preparation for my African mission trip, and I don't know... my brain have just been spinning. So, basically I have been too busy living life to write about it here.

Well, I have a thought to share.

I'm at a conference for the next couple of days. I'm pretty excited about the conference. And in a different way than I usually get excited about conferences. Usually as I prepare for a conference, I research the speakers, the topics, the theme of the event, the worship leaders, and all of that. And as a result I usually just fixate on all of those details. This time, life did not afford me that possibility. In fact, I have not had time to think about this conference much at all. And my anticipation is so different. I still have anticipation, but it is somehow more raw. No information. Just expectation. Expectation for God to meet me here. Expectation that God planned this event for me long before I did. I don't know what He will show me. I don't know how He will inspire me. I do not know what he will reveal to me or where He will guide me. I just know. I hope. I wait.

I'm very excited.

I also get to experience this with Rhonda and a few friends... including Jeer Me. Rhonda and I have not had conference time together often and not since kids.

Well, I just had to share my excitement. I'll try to update you all each evening. I need to share about my African trip too... NEXT WEEK.


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