
The Third Commandment

Since our message yesterday, I have had a couple of you share with me ways that you think we can "elevate the renown of our personal God Yaweah in a worthless manner" (or as the NIV says - misuse the name of the Lord our God). I thought I would start a list here and see what you out there can add to it.

Let's go about this in a productive format:
God's reputation is honored when people who carry His name:
- are contributers instead of a consumers
- set aside their own reputation to advance His purposes
- avoid comparison
- work together without grumbling
- keep their conversation clean and encouraging
- mend relationships
- continually devote time to spiritual growth
- befriend the friendless
- help the helpless
- love with no strings attached
- watch over single moms, and widows
- protect the vulnerable
- maximize our opportunities to speak of God and for God

Add to the list.
OR, even better, give tangible examples.
Add as much as you would like.


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